
Monday, December 16, 2013

In Other Words

I've built up a nice collection of articles and blog posts to share, I hope you enjoy them!

The 5 Skills That Will Increase Your Happiness
Happify is a newer site that lets you make an account and sign up for tracks based on your goals. Each track includes activities to try and space for reflection. You can also interact with other users. Beyond that, they post some interesting articles! This one talks about using the STAGE method (Savor, Thank, Aspire, Give and Empathize) to increase happiness.

This site is simple, each time you load the page it gives you a motivational phrase. When I just recently loaded it I got “You've got the moves like Jagger.” The site’s tools allow you to easily post your phrase to various social media outlets.

Running Terminology Deciphered 
Forks to Feet is a blog that discusses running and plant based eating. The posts are always short and usually very useful. This is my favorite yet! If you read my blog and are not a runner it will help you understand what I’m talking about when I say negative splits.

Thinking of ‘Working Out' as a Privilege, Not a Chore 
Fit and Feminist is a must read for any woman who has any interest in fitness. The articles are always insightful and meaningful. In this post she talks about the societal changes that have allowed us the ability to work out and enjoy it.

Strong Isn't Really the New Sexy/Skinny 
This article is super long but worth the read. The gist of the post is “There is no one right answer, and we don’t have to disparage one body type to celebrate another. When we recognize and internalize that, we will be free.” Please read!

Can Rotating Running Shoes Reduce Injury Risk? – New Study Suggests Yes! 
Librarians are suckers for scientific research, and I appreciate Runblogger’s use of said research in many posts. This article shows why rotating shoes helps reduce risk AND helps me justify buying more pairs of shoes!

10 Regrets No One Has At The End Of Life
A simple list to remind us of what is truly important in life. I was going to pick a favorite, but they are all gems.

How To Become A Mindful Eater In 10 Days
I don’t think it’s possible to have a healthy relationship with food without mindfulness. Here is a step by step plan to bring mindfulness to your plate.

20 Surprising, Science-Backed Health Benefits of Music
More research! My post on my half marathon playlist discusses the importance of music for my running, and this list applies research in music to many areas of health and wellness.

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