I never know which weeks will turn out a great batch of food pictures. As I spelled out in
my post on food decisions, I always make a menu for the week and the food usually tastes good. Some weeks it's just prettier than others!
Our first try making cauliflower steaks. Delicious but we could only get 2 steaks out of the head and roasted the rest as florets. We served it with sauteed sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts and onions on top of greens. |
Quinoa with caulifredo sauce. The sauce was made with cauliflower, cashews and nutritional yeast. I mixed it with spinach, zucchini, artichokes and roasted roma tomatoes. |
The sweet and sour brown rice salad from "Isa Does It" topped with fresh veg. |
My Saturday morning smoothie bowl topped with kiwi, buckwheat groats, coconut flakes and sunflower seeds. |
I've been craving a non-smoothie breakfast, so I got some gluten free raisin bread. Once slice topped with sunflower seed butter and one with homemade Nutella. |
Sweet potato skillet fries sauteed with turmeric and other spices. Great as part of a recovery lunch after a long run! |
Polenta pizza with a side of green beans. |
A play on Carolina casserole from Happy Herbivore. It's basically hoppin John stew with cornbread baked on top. It was quite good! |
Vietnamese bun salad, we eat this at least twice a month! |
I made some delicious granola this weekend. I wish I had written down the ingredients to write a recipe! |
Saturday night we went on a date to Seito Sushi. It was amazing, especially for vegans! The top left is a veggie roll topped with mushrooms in a vegan spicy cream sauce, top right is a garden roll wrapped in daikon instead of seaweed, bottom left is mushroom spring rolls, bottom middle is our rose wine and garlic lime edamame, bottom right is us! |
Quinoa with caulifredo sauce looks fantastic and easy to make! I can't wait to try it. Love your blog Carrie!